Being a pro fishkeeper is certainly not easy. Aside from ensuring the utmost living conditions for your pet (such as water temp, food, and tank setup), you also have to guarantee a serene atmosphere among the tank inhabitants! Spending hours a day keeping these aggressive creatures apart from each other is a nightmare that we are certain no one wants to experience!
Hence, this article will lend a helping hand by recommending amazing options for the large peaceful community fish for your aquarium. Of course, we cannot guarantee that they will NEVER fight each other, but at least you will have much better peace with them than others.
Curious? Let’s get started!
What Are Four Options For The Large Peaceful Community Fish?
Clown Loaches
Do you know what the greatest thing about clown loaches is? Even the pickiest, most difficult person cannot stop petting them once these fish draw their attraction. Clown loaches have stunning color combinations of black/orange stripes and bright-red fins, making them one of the most beautiful creatures we have ever seen!
They are not demanding when it comes to food, feeding on almost anything from snails to worms. And no, clown loaches do not hunt small fish in the aquarium!
Clowns generally like to live in small schools of about four members (preferably non-aggressive), hiding among bushes and hating bright lights. Some wonderful candidates as their tank mates include rasboras, barbs, gourami, rainbowfish, tetras, and, of course, other clowns!
Regardless of which tank mates you choose for them, it would be better if they do not have fancy and long fins. Though clowns rarely engage in fights, we cannot predict what might happen in the future; taking precautions is recommended!
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Torpedo Roseline Shark
When it comes to large and peaceful fish for the community aquarium, what often comes first to people’s minds are active, inquisitive, and beautiful fish. That’s why the inclusion of these “sharks” might make you feel taken aback, but trust us, we have a good reason!
Most experienced fishkeepers love them since they are large and peaceful enough not to provoke any tank commotion. Not to mention, they are also quite easy to take care of – a terrific option for beginners! Though some professionals consider Roseline among endangered species, buying one isn’t that hard.
Still, that doesn’t mean they are NEVER hostile toward their peers. Studies have discovered that dusk and dawn seem to be periods when they easily become hot-tempered, so remember not to give them food around those sessions!
With the only exception of blackwater species, almost every Central/South American and Asian fish can be suitable mates for these sharks. Just make sure they can grab food quickly, are not picky, and require similar water conditions!
Some of our favorite options are Danios, tetras, rainbowfish, plecos, corydoras, dwarf cichlids, and rasbora.
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Pearl Gouramis
Of course! How can we forget about pearl gouramis? These friendly pearl gouramis are a non-skip addition to any tank of all sizes and preferences. Their pearly appearances – with dark horizontal lines running across the bodies – make them a sight to behold!
Unlike other large fish of the same type, gouramis can adjust their swimming and eating habits to other much smaller schooling mates (instead of forcing small fish to adjust to them).
Even better, their required oxygen levels are also quite low, so you don’t have to worry about them taking up too much space and stealing oxygen from other aquarium inhabitants.
Sure, letting them stay alone in separate tanks is fine. But in general, most pearl gouramis require at least three mates to thrive and enjoy their stress-free lives. Swordtails, small tetras, platies, guppies, danios, and dwarf cichlids are some common alternatives you should consider!
One important reminder: do not keep fin-nipping creatures (ex: tiger barbs) around these pearlfish. Other than that, you are good to go!
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Silver Dollars
Out of all the other fishes on our list, silver dollars are the only ones that fall under the Herbivorous category.
Hence, it’s understandable that they are a breeze to take care of, not demanding much else once their basic requirements are fulfilled! The aesthetic benefits are also worth considering, all thanks to their shiny, silver, and translucent bodies.
Overall, silver dollars are described as active and calm, easily socializing with a broad array of fish types. Such impressive compatibility makes them a good choice for your community tank! They like to be around other fish so much that, whenever left alone, these creatures tend to get nervous and fidgety.
Another thing to note is that silver dollars are top-dwellers; hence, it would be better to put them on the top, leaving the middle and bottom sections to smaller fish (caution: do not buy fish that are too small, though, since silver dollars might eat them by mistake!)
Also, ensure the tank lids are always tightly closed, preventing the silver dollar from jumping out!
Some nice aquarium mates for silver dollars are cichlids (red empress, Oscar), cory catfish, kuhli loaches, clown Pecos, and bristlenose. There are also others not mentioned here that can be friends with silver dollars; just remember to consult with the manufacturers and do proper research.
One last thing: check the tank mates’ water requirements and temperament. Fishes whose living demands are similar to silver dollars can get along well with them.
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What Should You Do If They Still Fight?
Though such occasions are rare, as we have stated, that does not mean they will never happen!
In that case, just let them battle. These fish are calm creatures in nature and will let go of their anger pretty fast once their stress has been fully vented.
Our article has listed out some options for large peaceful community fish you can keep in your tank. They are also easy to take care of, which beginners will find immense delight in!
Build your serene aquarium and share it with us!